You’re encouraged to copy in the latest LEGO Ideas activity

The LEGO Ideas team is asking builders to copy the world around them as part of the newest activity on the platform.

You might currently be surrounded by household items, or maybe you’re out for a walk in nature. Either way, the latest LEGO Ideas activity is asking you to copy and paste those objects using LEGO bricks, then provide the real thing for comparison.

If you’re not too familiar with the platform’s monthly building events, then activities are just that, encouragement to build and be creative, but with no prize on offer. Any submitted builds may even be highlighted by the LEGO Ideas team on social media, just as long as they don’t contain references to any IP.

The usual rules apply for this activity, with subjects such as alcohol, violence and weapons asked to be avoided. Most of these should be easy to avoid given the nature of the requested builds, but it may be wise to avoid the kitchen when looking for inspiration all the same. You can find out more on the activity page.

In other LEGO Ideas news, the first review stage round of the year recently closed for submissions, with a staggering 57 entries currently being judged to see which, if any, will become a real LEGO set. Should some be approved, they will join several other sets in the works including but not limited toSonic Mania.

Keep track of all this year’s May the Fourth offers withour dedicated page, and support the work thatBrick Fanaticsdoes by purchasing yourLEGOStar Warssets through one of ouraffiliate links.


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