Tag: Serious Play

  • A new university course is using LEGO to shape the future of smart cities

    A new university course is using LEGO to shape the future of smart cities

    A new university course offered by Birmingham City University is among the first in the world to use LEGO in its teachings of smart city development. The new, short university course titled ‘Co-developing a real Smart City: planning for future of living’ will offer partakers a chance to learn how smart cities are developed, all…

  • LEGO Serious Play

    LEGO Serious Play

    As it’a big event weekend for LEGO fans on both sides of the Atlantic, news is light on the ground, so while looking around for something to write about I stumbled upon a part of LEGO.com I’ve not come across before called LEGO Serious Play. So what is Serious Play well this is what I’ve…

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