Tag: RS

  • 42056: Porsche 911 GT3 RS review part 5

    42056: Porsche 911 GT3 RS review part 5

    Box Four and the final stage of the 911 GT3 RS build. Another symmetrical build here as you would obviously expect, but this stage makes you feel as if you are actually building a car with all the separate body panels. And that feeling makes this an enjoyable experience as opposed to a mundane one.…

  • Epic Full-Sized Porsche 911 GT3 RS Lego Car in Sweden

    Epic Full-Sized Porsche 911 GT3 RS Lego Car in Sweden

    Wow. I am slowly getting through the Technic 911 GT3 RS build when I saw this website entry on gtspirit.com. Readers will know that the Technic Porsche I am building at the moment is 1/8 scale, but what about a full size version out of LEGO that was recently photographed in Sweden? Some serious scaling…

  • 42056: Porsche 911 GT3 RS review part 4

    42056: Porsche 911 GT3 RS review part 4

    Normally reviews for sets like this come in thick and fast and all in one piece. As I have decided to break the review down for the Porsche 911 GT3 RS, the process is a little slower than I would like, so please forgive me for the gaps in-between each section of the review. I…

  • 42056: Porsche 911 GT3 RS review part 3

    42056: Porsche 911 GT3 RS review part 3

    Welcome to the third instalment of my review of the Technic Porsche 911 GT3 RS. The build moves on to Box Two (of Four) which creates the frame of the car attaching it to the already created chassis that was done within Box One. This is another lengthy section of building and involves a great…

  • 42056: Porsche 911 GT3 RS review part 2

    42056: Porsche 911 GT3 RS review part 2

    Part 2 of my 911 GT3 RS review looks at the build of Box One within the set. As with most Technic builds, I like to read the manual first to get an idea of what lies ahead. I also like to research the actual vehicle itself, looking at the similarities from the real versus the model…

  • 42056: Porsche 911 GT3 RS review part 1

    42056: Porsche 911 GT3 RS review part 1

    Porsche….. Synonymous with performance and precision engineering. Whilst many a boy lusted over a Lamborghini Countach or Ferrari Testarossa in the 1980s, I was always a bit more smitten with the machines from Stuttgart – 928, 944, 968, 959 (forget the 924, that was just an Audi in disguise) – classics that really highlighted that ability…

  • The 911 GT3 – Preview

    The 911 GT3 – Preview

    I am very grateful and privileged to be writing for Brickfanatics – it is something I enjoy immensely. Although the arrival of wee bairn No 2, it has been very difficult of late – I have got set reviews written up by not yet typed! Both arms in the evening are pre-occupied with bottles and…

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