Product packaging for Star Wars Rogue One

Here is something for you Star Wars fanatics out there. Late last night revealed the official product packaging artwork for the next film in the Star Wars universe, Rogue One. This stand alone story got it’s first trailer this week and even I was impressed. I suspect Disney/Lucas Films will drip feed us information from now until it’s release in December.

The packaging does not give much away but we do see the iconic AT-ATs and a Tie Fighter, plus the main trooper I think is a Shadow Trooper and I suspect these will be popular minifigures.

At moment all we have regarding LEGO sets, is the set number, piece count and pricing in euros and dollars.

  • 75152 – 385 pcs, $29.99/€39.99
  • 75153 – 449 pcs, $39.99/€49.99
  • 75154 – 543 pcs, $69.99/€69.99
  • 75155 – 659 pcs, $79.99/€79.99
  • 75156 – 863 pcs, $89.99/€99.99

Buildable figures:

  • 75119 – 104 pcs. $24.99/€24.99
  • 75120 – 169 pcs, $24.99/€24.99
  • 75121 – 106 pcs, $24.99/€24.99

While we don’t usually post trailers, I think it’s worth sharing this one, enjoy:


Founder of Brick Fanatics. I’m Richard Hayes a 34 year old runner based in Sheffield. However I’m better known as the Mohican Runner due to my very distinctive hair style. I’ve gone from 20st to a runner, I’ve raised over £1.3 million for charity by doing various running challenges.

I’m supported by Absolute360,SockMine and Tribesports.

Currently I have a 17:20 5k PB, 36:02 10k PB, 81:11 HM PB & 3:08:24 for the marathon.

You can find me on my blog


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