Meet the LEGO MASTERS Series 2 teams – Adam and Odette

Brick Fanatics counts down to the new series of LEGO MASTERS by speaking to each of the Series 2 build pairs. It is time to meet married couple Adam and Odette

LEGO MASTERS is about to return to television screens, so to get ready for Series 2, Brick Fanatics is speaking to each pair of builders who will be competing to prove that they are the best brick builders. Adam and Odette have been married for over eight years after meeting at University, and applied for the series together.

Are you both LEGO fans?

What kind of LEGO fans are you?

Adam: Odette’s first LEGO set was the Disney Castle that I bought for her two years ago, however she has always loved the product. She likes to collect few sets that appeal to her personally. I have loved LEGO since I was young, building sets and making films with my mum’s camera. Then I would break them apart and rebuilding something new. Now, I like to collect a few sets like Odette, that are of personal interest. Since taking part in the show, our loose brick collection has grown greatly and we enjoy making our own creations. Both our children have caught the bug and we all build together.

What are your favourite things to build from LEGO?

We don’t really have favourite things to build. A little imagination and clicking some bricks together, you can end up with anything. Our children tend to ask us to build something and that where it starts.

Do you have any other creative hobbies?

A: We both enjoy drawing and making things. Odette is a Graphic Designer and Product Design teacher, so her work brings with it a lot of creative passion. I am part of a local theatre group which we are both involved in. While I like to get up on stage, Odette prefers designing – she has produced programmes and posters, costumes and props and even an entire set for a play.

What made you apply to LEGO MASTERS?

Having watched the first season with our daughter, Emily, she suggested, ‘you should go on that’ and so, we applied.

Had you ever built LEGO creations together before?

When we got married we had a LEGO theme for the wedding. Odette made bride and groom cake toppers, a church (like the one in which we were married), images for the order of service, table names et cetera. Plus we made all 80 guests a bespoke LEGO gift for them to build during the wedding breakfast.

Did you do any preparation for the auditions?

We tried our best to practice build before the auditions, but a shortage of bricks (and time) made this difficult. But we managed to get enough that we weren’t completely unprepared on the day.

How did you feel attending the auditions? Did you expect to succeed?

A: We never expected to get any further than the application to be honest, we considered ourselves to just be parents who build with our kids. Auditions were an awesome feeling of getting so many bricks to build with. It was incredible being in a room full of people building incredible things. Odette told me off for becoming distracted from building and continually looking around the room at what others were doing.

To see Adam and Odette in action, tune into LEGO MASTERS from November 6 on Channel 4.

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Graham was the Editor up until November 2020. He has plenty of experience working on LEGO related projects. He has contributed to various websites and publications on topics including niche hobbies, the toy industry and education.

Follw Graham on Twitter @grahamh100.


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