LEGO Prism & Spectrum project

Since new site launched we’ve not had chance to feature any projects from LEGO Ideas, as most of talk has been focused on the recent review deadline and Wall-E. However an interesting project (Prism & Spectrum) appeared on our Twitter feed and it was something that was different from the usual stuff we get asked to support.

So I got in touch with the project creator Andy to tell Brick Fanatics more about the project: “I decided to make a prism after playing around with some transparent bricks and trying to figure out what I could make with them. Suddenly, the image of a prism popped into my head and then I became obsessed with the idea of how to portray small wedges of color without the colors being stacked brick-on-brick (which would be impossible with current bricks). I realized that the colors could be separated laterally, and each color bar could be pitched at an narrow angle relative to the previous one. They could all be hinged off a central axis that resides inside the “glass”, and each color bar rests upon a small construction on the back of the previous one .”

“The other advantage to building it this way is that it allows many colors to be seen from many angles in three dimensions. If it were built with full lateral planes of color, the red plane would be on top and would obscure the other colors except from the front and right. One could view this color “staircase” as a diagonal cross-section of the spectrum. The jagged baseplate on the back side also suggests that we are just looking at a cross-section of something.”

“Building the transparent sides at the proper angles took a lot of work, not only making them structurally stable but also figuring out how make them reside at the proper angles. Ultimately, I decided to make them hinge off recessed bars built into the baseplate. This also allows for easier clipping on of the “white light” bar as well as the colored bars.”

“After I had the basic shape coming together, I decided that it would be a fun idea to include a minifig for play. Immediately I thought of the name “ROY G BIV”, the mnemonic we used as schoolchildren to memorize the colors of the rainbow! So I assembled a scientific-looking little guy who is comprised of the same seven colors. You could say that he works at the rainbow, or perhaps lives there, or even camps out underneath.”

“I feel strongly about the viability and marketability of this set. For one, it doesn’t involve any other licenses or intellectual property. There are so many Ideas proposals getting votes that are based on movies, TV shows, etc, and this doesn’t require any of that. Secondly, the piece count is (in my estimation) right in line with the size of Ideas projects that have already been successfully brought to market. Though I did not keep a piece tally as I was assembling this, I believe it’s in the 500-700 range, and the finished display is 11″W x 7″D x 4” high. Perfect for any shelf or bookcase or coffee table. This, along with the fact that no licenses are involved, makes me think that the price would be in the $30-$40 range, which is a real sweet spot. And lastly, what other scientific phenomenon is as striking or beautiful as a spectrum? There is education value here, teaching kids about the component wavelengths that make up white light, and how angled glass can separate those wavelengths into different bands of color. Add to this the minifigure of “Roy G Biv”, and I just think it’s a fun way to teach kids about science. What middle-school science teacher wouldn’t want to have this displayed on the desk? “

“The model is also getting attention from Pink Floyd fans who notice that it resembles the cover of “Dark Side of the Moon”, especially this one:

If you like what Andy is trying to achieve and would like to support the project you need to head over to LEGO Ideas and click the support button now!! If you do it will be another brick in the wall on the way to 10,000 supporters.

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Founder of Brick Fanatics. I'm Richard Hayes a 34 year old runner based in Sheffield. However I'm better known as the Mohican Runner due to my very distinctive hair style. I've gone from 20st to a runner, I've raised over £1.3 million for charity by doing various running challenges.

I'm supported by Absolute360,SockMine and Tribesports.

Currently I have a 17:20 5k PB, 36:02 10k PB, 81:11 HM PB & 3:08:24 for the marathon.

You can find me on my blog

Founder of Brick Fanatics. I'm Richard Hayes a 34 year old runner based in Sheffield. However I'm better known as the Mohican Runner due to my very distinctive hair style. I've gone from 20st to a runner, I've raised over £1.3 million for charity by doing various running challenges. I'm supported by Absolute360,SockMine and Tribesports. Currently I have a 17:20 5k PB, 36:02 10k PB, 81:11 HM PB & 3:08:24 for the marathon. You can find me on my blog

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