LEGO Minifigures among the top three best-selling toys in the UK

LEGO Minifigures among the top three best-selling toys in the UK as ‘varied mix of toys’ indicates a strong year for the industry across the globe, reports Toy News

In the UK the top three best-selling toys by country for the period January to September 2015, areLEGO’s LEGO Minifigures, Flair’s Shopkins Two pack and Mookie Toys’ Smart Trike 4-in-1 Trike Assortment.

Global toy sales have seen a seven per cent increase, an encouraging sign as the industry heads into the crucial Christmas period.

According to the latest results from industry trackers, The NPD Group, the UK has seen a rise in toy sales of 5.8 per cent, placing it the eighth highest increasing market out of the 11 tracked.

The group has labeled the lift has been labeled as an encouraging sign, noting that the holiday season presents a ‘crucial time for the toy industry,’ accounting for on average ‘about half the industry’s annual sales.’

While previous years have seen stand out products accounting for a vast majority of toy sales, NPD highlights that 2015 offers a more varied reading.

The results highlight that sales in smaller countries such as Mexico and Poland are growing faster than those in the more developed countries, with Russia showing the fastest growth among those tracked by NPD.

Across the territory, building sets have performed particularly well, growing 50 per cent faster than the rest of the toy market.


Founder of Brick Fanatics. I’m Richard Hayes a 34 year old runner based in Sheffield. However I’m better known as the Mohican Runner due to my very distinctive hair style. I’ve gone from 20st to a runner, I’ve raised over £1.3 million for charity by doing various running challenges.

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