LEGO Creator Expert 10276 Colosseum – five things you need to know

The new largest ever LEGO set is now available, but, before you spend £449.99 / $549.99 on 10276 Colosseum, here are five things you need to know.

10276 Colosseum is the new largest LEGO set, eclipsing the previous holder of that title – 75192 Millennium Falcon – by around 1,500 pieces. Coming in at a mammoth 9,036 pieces, the Colosseum is a sight to behold and also at an eye-watering price.

Before you hand over £449.99 / $499.99 for this Black Friday-launched masterpiece (with free Roman Chariot LEGO set while stocks last), then, here are five things you need to know.

1 – Time is circular now

With the largest ever piece count for a LEGO set, you’d expect nothing less than a time-consuming build process, and 10276 Colosseum more than delivers across four boxes of multiple bags. Even at mircoscale, this is not a set you’ll be able to complete in under a week, let alone in a single sitting, such is the size and scope of the model. By the end of this, you’ll appreciate time in a new way.

2 – Tan, tan, tan, tan, TAN!

Part of why building 10276 Colosseum will take so long is because of the predominantly all tan colour-scheme. Once the base has been completed, you’ll need a keen eye to distinguish between what is a majority one colour of LEGO brick. It’s a particular challenge to overcome and one your eyes won’t forgive you for.

3 – x40

Half of our in-depth review of 10276 Colosseum focused on the build process and here we are again talking about it at length, and it’s all for good reason. As a display model, the experience in putting it together is likely the only hands-on aspect to the set, beyond the inevitable dusting. Whilst the time it requires to build is part of the fun, and the relative monochromatic nature of the bricks can be accepted (we’ve all built Batmobiles before now…), a third aspect to consider to the build experience is how repetitive it is. Unavoidable for the fact that it’s how the monument is designed, you have to build each section of the Colosseum relatively identical, and there are an awful lot of sections to build (40, if you really want to know). It’s the only part of the LEGO set that is really open for complaint, and it will certainly challenge even the most dedicated LEGO fan’s love of the brick…

4 – Wow

…but it’s so incredibly worth it. Get through the repetitive nature of the build and the final model that sits before you is truly remarkable. In size it engulfs almost all LEGO sets that have come before, whilst in sheer majesty it is equally incomparable. From any angle, it captures the essence of the real-world Colosseum, in all the historical accuracy and overwhelming grandeur you would want. It’s why it sits in our Top 20 LEGO Sets List.

5 – Find some space

If you are going to buy the world’s largest ever LEGO set, and then even build it, expect to be faced with finding somewhere to then put it. A set of this magnificence needs to be displayed, but, with a footprint the size of 75192 Millennium Falcon and without the coffee table-making potential of that Star Wars set, nor the flexibility to display on its side, finding somewhere suitable to show off 10276 Colosseum is going to be quite a creative challenge…

10276 Colosseum is available now and purchases upon launch will include a free LEGO Roman Chariot set (while stocks last).

This set was provided for review by the LEGO Group. We wrote about 10276 Colosseum in far more depth and alongside a huge image gallery, here. You can also learn more about the real-world Colosseum in our feature exploring five of the most interesting facts.

Purchase your mighty 10276 Colosseum through any one of the affiliate links listed on the Brick Fanatics site to directly support the work that we do.


Rob Paton
As one half of Tiro Media Ltd, I mix a passion for print and digital media production with a deep love of LEGO and can often be found on these pages eulogising about LEGO Batman, digging deeper into the LEGO Group’s inner workings, or just complaining about the price of the latest LEGO Star Wars set. Make a great impression when you meet me in person by praising EXO-FORCE as the greatest LEGO theme of all time. Follow me on Twitter @RobPaton or drop me an email at [email protected].


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