Kane – Alien Chest Burst Custom Minifigure review

I’m playing catch up with the amount of custom minifigures I need to review. As well as this one I have a further 3 from minifigures.com to review and 2 from United Bricks. I’m working my way through and aim to do one a week till I’m caught up. To start off the first one is based of Kane from the first Alien film and the gory but iconic chest buster scene. Again minifigures.com are focusing on characters that LEGO would not touch due to the subject matter.

Official Description

When you think of the film Alien, aside from the Aliens, you think of the ‘Chest burst’ scene, now one of the most iconic scenes from cinema. Naturally we had to create a Minifigure to pay homage to the film and we’ve spared no details. He’s ‘bursting’ with awesomeness and includes a double sided head and torso design.


I won’t beat around the bush, if you are a fan of the Alien franchise this minifigure is a must have. I’ve seen the movies and is a reason even today I won’t watch horror movies or anything thats designed to scare the crap out of you. Personally I don’t know why anyone with any sense would pay to be scared? But that’s besides the point and let’s look at the minifigure.

The minifigure.com team have built up a strong reputation of quality printing and this minifigure again has a high standard, he is double sided with double face and double torso one with the chest buster pushing on the rib cage and the other he has burst through and is popping out, they manage to give it the right amount of gore to appeal to fans of the film. The printing on the chest and face makes it hard to differ from an official LEGO product.

The legs and hair piece are just standard LEGO elements but again collectors of minifigure.com products will be happy with the quality and the blister pack. Fans of the films will be happy with a unique item in their collection and at £12.95 it’s reasonable for a custom printed minifigure. You can order yours today from them by clicking here. However for me it’s not a minifigure that appeals to me as don’t like the subject matter but my friend loves it, so it’s found a welcoming home with him. 🙂

Disclaimer: All our reviews are our own personal views, thanks to the minifigures.com for providing us with this minifigure to review.


Founder of Brick Fanatics. I’m Richard Hayes a 34 year old runner based in Sheffield. However I’m better known as the Mohican Runner due to my very distinctive hair style. I’ve gone from 20st to a runner, I’ve raised over £1.3 million for charity by doing various running challenges.

I’m supported by Absolute360,SockMine and Tribesports.

Currently I have a 17:20 5k PB, 36:02 10k PB, 81:11 HM PB & 3:08:24 for the marathon.

You can find me on my blog http://mohicanrunner.co.uk


One response to “Kane – Alien Chest Burst Custom Minifigure review”

  1. Joehelldeloxley avatar

    I bought this minifig and I like it.
    I’m not especially fan of the ALien Franchise but I like the idea.
    Some part are effectively basic Lego elements but still, I like it.

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