Join the Fairy 5k hosted by Fairy Bricks

Now this is a piece of news that really interested me. As a lot of you will know, my main passion away from LEGO is running and I’m not half bad, so when I saw yesterday that UK charity Fairy Bricks was hosting a virtual 5k where you can run, walk, cycle, swim or whatever you fancy to cover the distance, I knew I had to do it. For a minimum of £5 you will get a medal on proof of completion of the challenge. All you have to do is send evidence into them to prove you have done the distance between June and August of this year. So who is going to be brave enough and join me?

Here is more on the challenge:

Are you ready to run, walk, swim, cycle, row, hop or complete 5K by any other means of self-propelled transportation? Then you are ready to join the Fairy 5K! Inspired and being led by one of our volunteers Donna, this is a wonderful opportunity to get involved with a sponsored event without complicated forms or fund-raising minimums as we feel engagement is more important than pressure.

To take part just follow the Fairy 5K Entry. It is a minimum entry fee of £5/person and you can also set up an individual fund-raising page on the site hereso that your friends and family can sponsor you too. The additional sponsorship page isn’t a requirement, your friends can just donate through the same page, it just helps you to keep track of your individual total. If you don’t want to try and get any additional sponsorship then that’s fine to0, remember we want this to be about having fun!

There will be some prizes and we are still working on categories for those but think things like fastest time, best fancy dress, biggest team, etc. Those won’t be decided until August when the challenge finishes but we want to see your pictures all the way through so we can upload them to the dedicated Facebook page here. Everyone taking part will also receive one of our amazing 2016 medals and a specially printed LEGO brick.

The main hub of all the action for the challenge will be the Facebook page but we appreciate that not everyone uses it so feel free to also email us on [email protected]with any questions you may have. The very best of luck to everyone taking part – we can’t wait to see your pictures and stories appearing. Our volunteers always inspire us to work harder and we are sure this event will be no different.



Founder of Brick Fanatics. I’m Richard Hayes a 34 year old runner based in Sheffield. However I’m better known as the Mohican Runner due to my very distinctive hair style. I’ve gone from 20st to a runner, I’ve raised over £1.3 million for charity by doing various running challenges.

I’m supported by Absolute360,SockMine and Tribesports.

Currently I have a 17:20 5k PB, 36:02 10k PB, 81:11 HM PB & 3:08:24 for the marathon.

You can find me on my blog


2 responses to “Join the Fairy 5k hosted by Fairy Bricks”

  1. Joehelldeloxley avatar

    I’m clearly not a good runner.
    I’m usullay only running for family charity run.
    It will be my great pleasure to take part in this one and continue my collection of Fairy Bricks memorabilia.

  2. I may well join you Rich as I aim to do at least 2x 5k;s per week (or longer) during a lunch break.

    And all for a good cause. Will look to sign up on the weekend.

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