LEGO builds in 60 bricks: Dune buggy

Brick Fanatics is challenging talented builders to demonstrate what can be done with just 60 LEGO pieces. Today, Jme puts together a sleek buggy with exactly 60 bricks

Brick Fanatics decided to celebrate 60 years of the LEGO brick with a challenge – put together a series of builds in which each model uses just 60 pieces. It is not easy to produce a recognisable, clever build with such a specific piece count, but Dimitri and Jme were certainly up the challenge…


Building small can be a big challenge. “LEGO maths” can be tricky under the best of circumstances, but when it comes to building small, there is a lot less wiggle room in terms of spacing. Each and every part you use carries with it exponentially more information as you go smaller.

It’s not all negative. There are some positives to building at a smaller scale. One of the biggest is the ability to utilise colours that are less common. There are a lot of great LEGO colours, but many of the more interesting ones share the problem of having a considerably limited number of parts moulded in that hue. When building at minifigure scale or larger, it can be difficult to build something with a cohesive color theme using these rarer colours. Conversely, at a small scale you can easily make use of parts you only have a few of to help make your build pop. It also means that shapes which normally might be difficult to integrate into a build can take on a new life, as the context of their shape changes at a more diminutive scale.

LEGO sets are available now at You can help support Brick Fanatics’ work by using our affiliate links.

Check out more of Jme’s build on Flickr, where he goes by klikstyle. Share your 60 piece LEGO builds with Brick Fanatics on social media.


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