Brick Fanatics Magazine to conclude

Brick Fanatics Magazine , the print publication dedicated to building your world of LEGO, will cease production from Issue 12

After 18 months of hard work and fun, 12 editions of Brick Fanatics Magazine packed full of brick-based content and some quite remarkable, overwhelming support from readers, it is with heavy hearts that we announce the publication will cease production, with Issue 12 the last issue released.

We have learned a great deal during the creation, production and release of Brick Fanatics Magazine, during each issue generating and tailoring content to an intelligent, ever-changing LEGO audience, always with the aim that our tagline set out – building your world of LEGO.

It is with that message and ambition in mind, and with what we have learned during the course of producing Brick Fanatics Magazine, that we have come to this decision. There are many ways that we can build your world of LEGO, to offer ideas, insight and inspiration into the LEGO world, and many opportunities that we have in front of us in order to do that.

Our business approach from the outset has been about balancing the demands of budget, time and resources against the final product that we create and the audience experience that it can offer.

In assessing what opportunities that are ahead for Brick Fanatics, as a wider LEGO media outlet, we realise that there are some projects that offer a greater and more direct LEGO experience for our readers than the magazine. But, in order to take full advantage of those opportunities with the resources available to us, we must first scale back on the magazine.

This is not a decision that we take lightly, as we are tremendously grateful for the trust and support that readers – and in particular, subscribers – have shown in this project. We have always been clear and up front in our communication as a publication and as a business, and would like to remind subscribers who have issues outstanding beyond Issue 12 that full refunds for those issues will be available.

We care about our readers and appreciate each of you far more than you may realise, and we certainly do not want a single one of you to be left out of pocket. To get a refund, email [email protected] with your name and order number and you will be refunded for the issues not received. Alternatively, you can request that number of issues from our back catalogue.

Issues 1 to 12 of Brick Fanatics Magazine will remain available to purchase at

Thank you to every reader who bought a copy of Brick Fanatics Magazine or subscribed for 12 or 24 issues, and to every person, business and website that we collaborated with on this project. This has been more than just one person’s hard work, and truly is the achievement of a group of passionate LEGO fans – every one of you reading this included.

In an ideal world we would be able to continue the magazine and also explore and bring forward other projects, but in facing a choice, we are prioritising bringing you the very best experience as a reader of Brick Fanatics. The magazine may be ending, but it is with the ambition to bring even more enticing opportunities around the corner, all with the aim of building your world of LEGO. Watch this space.


Rob Paton
As one half of Tiro Media Ltd, I mix a passion for print and digital media production with a deep love of LEGO and can often be found on these pages eulogising about LEGO Batman, digging deeper into the LEGO Group’s inner workings, or just complaining about the price of the latest LEGO Star Wars set. Make a great impression when you meet me in person by praising EXO-FORCE as the greatest LEGO theme of all time. Follow me on Twitter @RobPaton or drop me an email at [email protected].


One response to “Brick Fanatics Magazine to conclude”

  1. Cyberking33 avatar

    Sorry to hear the mag is ceasing publication. After over 25 years in magazine production I know how tough it is for new publications to succeed. I have worked on magazines that only lasted a short time and I know how disappointed you must be feeling. The magazine was a great effort and you should be proud of the issues that were produced.
    Keep up the good work with the website.
    Best wishes for the future and a Merry Christmas.

    Mike Stevenson

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