Brick Fanatics Magazine Issue 2 coming soon…

Fancy a sneak peek at what’s inside Issue 2 of Brick Fanatics Magazine? Oh alright, go on then…

Having launched late in 2018 with Issue 1, Brick Fanatics Magazine will be returning in late January with a very special Issue 2. And we are very excited about what we’ve managed to pack into it.

Issue 2 marks the LEGO magazine’s move into a monthly publication cycle and will include all sorts of interesting and new features, interviews, builds and activities. Like what, you may ask? Well, we can’t be more specific than that just yet, but, here are a few teaser images to get you guessing…

More details of what’s to come in Issue 2 will follow as we move even closer to its release later this month. Until then, make sure you support this magazine and stay up to date by picking up a copy of Issue 1, available through our website.

Even better, subscribe for 12 or 24 issues to save money and to guarantee every copy of Brick Fanatics Magazine arrives fastest and first to you.

Wait, what? This is the first you have heard about Brick Fanatics Magazine?! Go here to find out everything you want and need to know about this A5-sized, 80-page LEGO magazine put together by fans of LEGO, for fans of LEGO.


Rob Paton
As one half of Tiro Media Ltd, I mix a passion for print and digital media production with a deep love of LEGO and can often be found on these pages eulogising about LEGO Batman, digging deeper into the LEGO Group’s inner workings, or just complaining about the price of the latest LEGO Star Wars set. Make a great impression when you meet me in person by praising EXO-FORCE as the greatest LEGO theme of all time. Follow me on Twitter @RobPaton or drop me an email at [email protected].


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