The newer helmet does at least fit in stylistically with the green astronauts from 21109 Exo Suit, and also with the grey minifigure facilitated by Rocket Boy’s torso from 71018 Series 17. While the Classic Space helmet appeared in grey in 1982’sLEGOEducation set 1066 Little People with Accessories, it’s understandably difficult to find now, so you’ll probably have to resort to the modern grey helmet like us.

That’s not necessarily a bad thing, though: it means that the full purple astronaut – which also requires swapping out71032 Series 22’s Space Creature’s arms, hands, legs and head – will therefore sit nicely with its grey and green counterparts in your collection, just as it does ours. And it’s definitely worth cannibalising an extra copy of the Space Creature to create…


Dario Puglisi
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