Brick Pic of the Day: 19 August 16


Image: 6kyubi6

This extraordinary sculpture/bust is of Robert Niro in his iconic role as Travis Bickle in Martin Scorsese’s 1976 classic ‘Taxi Driver’. I’m impressed by many things when it comes to LEGO MOCs, but creating look-a-likes in brick form takes it to another level in my eyes. Bravo 6kyubi6, bravo indeed!

Check out more mind-boggling builds from 6kyubi6 on his Flickr here.

Are you a great LEGO photographer? Have you built a MOC worthy of being our Brick Pic of the Day? Contact [email protected]


Hello, I’m Séb, your friendly neighbourhood AFOL.
As a child, Lego was always my favourite toy and now as an adult it appears nothing has changed. I emerged from my dark ages in 2011 after rediscovering my old sets in my parents’ attic and haven’t looked back since.
I’m a big fan of the licensed themes particularly DC/Marvel Superheroes & Lord Of The Rings, though Creator Expert provides the more challenging & technical build I’m rather fond of.


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