Outgoing Editor Graham Hancock gives a self-indulgent goodbye

It has been my pleasure for the last four-and-a-half years to be Editor of Brick Fanatics, but all good things must come to an end.

TL;DR – Cheers. In case you don’t get to the bottom, you can keep up with my LEGO shenanigans on Twitter (@grahamh_100) and Facebook (grahamh100).

When I took on Brick Fanatics there was a lot to do with the website and I am incredibly proud of the journey we have been on since then. As the go-to LEGO news website, we have reached more and more of you since I became Editor and it’s quite phenomenal to see how many people are enjoying our content today – especially compared to when this all started. It feels really good to know that people out there appreciate what we’ve been up to and have been enjoying our news, features, reviews and builds.

During my time as Editor we have professionalised the content, making sure it is relevant, constantly fresh and covering the latest LEGO innovations. During the time that Brick Fanatics has grown, so has the world of adult fandom, which has made it the perfect time for us to provide a resource like this.

Brick Fanatics now offers the news presented in a professional way, complemented with features that have pushed forward the way LEGO is covered online. Seeing the way that other websites have been influenced by our approach demonstrates how popular it has become.

There have been some very memorable times, especially on the rare occasions when I have been with my colleagues and other LEGO community members in person. Getting together in Billund is always enjoyable, the trip Rob and I took out to Facebook was good fun and the night spent at Stansted Airport hoping for the next Ryanair flight was something else. I’ll try and keep some of the ‘hilarious’ inside jokes that Rob and I have going, especially those that are born out of frustration (“run the mechanic”).

I’d like to thank Rob and Tim for the opportunity to do this. I know they will continue to push the website to bigger and better things. I am so glad that Rob was able to realise his vision with Brick Fanatics Magazine and am proud to have contributed to the excellent 12-issue run of that title.

Working on Brick Fanatics has been a passion project, it has been immense fun, and at times has been challenging. What has always made it rewarding is the wonderful response from readers, who have reached out over the years in various ways to appreciate the work we do here. Every one of those interactions brightened my day, knowing that so many people appreciate and enjoy what we have been putting out makes all of the work so satisfying.

Our audience has not been the only source of joy and inspiration; I have had the pleasure of being supported by some of the finest LEGO fans out there. Chris Wharfe, Dimitri Nicomanis, Justin Winn, Kat Rees-Jauke, Daniel Konstanski, Séb Daniell, Jme Wheeler, Keith D’Souza, Nick Sweetman, Johnamarie Macias and everyone else who contributed helped the website to become what it is today. Thank you to all of you.

Chris Wharfe is your new guy – and those are very capable hands that Brick Fanatics is in. It’s in a great place to continue to grow, to introduce new types of content and really build on what we’ve done so far.

Now, I look forward to chatting about the LEGO hobby with the old crew; I look forward to visiting Brick Fanatics as a reader every day; I look forward to contributing with the occasional feature or review. I am moving on to a new project that doesn’t involve interlocking bricks whilst also increasing my role at Blocks magazine as the Editor (don’t calculate how many hours that makes my working week).

Thank you again to everyone who has made my Brick Fanatics journey such a wild ride.*

*Except for those who robbed me of second place in the LEGO Super Mario Championship. I’m not bitter.


Graham was the BrickFanatics.com Editor up until November 2020. He has plenty of experience working on LEGO related projects. He has contributed to various websites and publications on topics including niche hobbies, the toy industry and education.

Follw Graham on Twitter @grahamh100.


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