Avatar: The Illuminated World of Pandora achieves support on LEGO Ideas

Ivan Guerrero’s colourful Avatar: The Illuminated World of Pandora project has reached 10,000 votes on LEGO Ideas.

That means we might one day see James Cameron’s stunning vision come to life in LEGO bricks. The decision rests in the hands of the Ideas team, as the project will now go into the third 2020 review.

Ivan’s model packs in multiple scenes and characters from the 2009 movie, which has multiple sequels slated over the next few years. And it does so while staying true to Avatar’s aesthetic: bright, luminescent colours sprinkled among earth tones, recreating the lush world of Pandora.

It hasn’t taken long for the project to reach the magic 10,000 votes required to advance to the next stage. Ivan first uploaded it to the crowdsourcing platform on July 20, 2020, and it’s rapidly gathered support in the months since.

You might recognise Ivan’s name, because he’s the fan designer behind the recently-revealed 21324 123 Sesame Street. (Check out our review of that set here.) That means the LEGO Group has pedigree for turning his projects into official sets – but of course, Avatar is an entirely different beast to Sesame Street.

It’s also an entirely different beast to Community, another of the prolific builder’s projects that’s currently in the review stage. We’ll find out the results of that one a little sooner, but both projects will be in limbo for a little while yet.

Avatar: The Illuminated World of Pandora is the 11th project to reach the third 2020 review. It joins theMotorized Lighthouse, Classic Castle,Avatar: The Last Airbender,Red Dwarf Starbug,Bag End,Gravity Falls: The Mystery Shack,Boeing 737 Passenger Plane,Brick Town Police Station, andColosseum (Architecture Style)in contention for a futureLEGOIdeasslot.

In otherIdeasnews,The Earth GlobeandLegendary Stratocasterrecently passed the review process and will be released asLEGOIdeassets next year. 21313 Ship in a Bottle and 21309 NASA Apollo Saturn Vare also about to be reissued, shortly after being retired.

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Chris Wharfe
Chris WharfeLEGO, LEGO, LEGO
I like to think of myself as a journalist first, LEGO fan second, but we all know that’s not really the case. Journalism does run through my veins, though, like some kind of weird literary blood – the sort that will no doubt one day lead to a stress-induced heart malfunction. It’s like smoking, only worse. Thankfully, I get to write about LEGO until then. You can follow me on Twitter at @brfa_chris.


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