Competition! Build a LEGO Lab

Radleys are at it again, for 2nd year running they are holding a new competition. They want you to build us a science laboratory, with mad scientists, mad experiments and crazy equipment! The most creative idea will win a £150 LEGOvoucher.

Here are the competition details:

Build stuff, win Lego!

It’s back! After a successful launch in 2015, it’s the return of the Radleys Lego Competition!

Our competition is open to three age levels:

Level 1 – 10 years old and younger.
Level 2 – Ages 11-16
Level 3 – Over 16s

So whether you’re looking for something to do over the summer holidays, or you simply need an excuse to flex your flair for Lego, it’s time get your bricks out and get building!

Your creation can be as big or as small as you like, but it must be built entirely out of Lego!

Once you’ve built your laboratory, send us some photos from as many angles as possible. Or better yet, record a video.

And tell us about the sort of experiments these mad scientists are conducting.

Our favourite entries will be shared in an online photo gallery, but the craziest laboratory from each category will win £150 of Lego!

How you interpret this challenge is up to you. But if you really want to impress us, you might consider building a real laboratory filled with real scientists.

If you need a bit of inspiration, take a look at the entries and the winners from last year’s competition.

Our competition closes on 1st September and the winners in each category will be announced 9th September 2016.

Good luck!

The Rules

Send an email to [email protected], with the subject line “Radleys Lego Competition”.

In your email, include the following information:

1. Your name
2. Your age
3. Your entry level
4. A description of your model as described above
5. Between 3-10 photos of your project, and if possible, a video.

Acceptable file formats for your photo are .jpg and .png, with file sizes no larger than 10MB. The photo should only include the project, and should not include the entrant or any other individuals.

Though this competition is open internationally, entries must be written in English.

Winners will be notified by email and our favourite creations will be displayed in a gallery.


Founder of Brick Fanatics. I’m Richard Hayes a 34 year old runner based in Sheffield. However I’m better known as the Mohican Runner due to my very distinctive hair style. I’ve gone from 20st to a runner, I’ve raised over £1.3 million for charity by doing various running challenges.

I’m supported by Absolute360,SockMine and Tribesports.

Currently I have a 17:20 5k PB, 36:02 10k PB, 81:11 HM PB & 3:08:24 for the marathon.

You can find me on my blog


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