Jedi High Council Chamber hits 10k on Ideas

This one has slipped passed me but another project doomed for failure has achieved 10,000 supporters. While the project based on the Jedi High Council Chamberr is fantastic and would appeal to a lot of fans the fact that it’s based on the companies biggest IP theme mean it has 99.9% chance it will fail in the review stage. I still think any project that is based on an existing LEGO theme should not be allowed to get this far and give false hopes to both the project owner and supporters.

Here is the project blurb:

The Jedi High Council Chamber on Coruscant, the room where the jedi masters meet during the rule of the Galactic Republic.

With this model you will be able to reconstruct the decisive moments of the second Star Wars trilogy (Ep. I, II & III): from the first meeting with the little Anakin, to the growth of the Dark Side of the Force with the unborn Darth Vader.

A setting that can be populated by characters that are gradually collected with other Lego Star Wars sets, but already enriched with some unreleased knights and/or one new “Transparent-Light-Blue” minifigure (to act as hologram of a Jedi knight away).

The set, with sliding doors mechanically operated, can be enriched with a LEGO Power Functions Light item (ref. 8870) to create glowing pushing buttons.

This project now joins the Fossil Museum, the Gingerbread House, the Modular Train Station, and the Old Fishing Store in the next review stage.


Founder of Brick Fanatics. I’m Richard Hayes a 34 year old runner based in Sheffield. However I’m better known as the Mohican Runner due to my very distinctive hair style. I’ve gone from 20st to a runner, I’ve raised over £1.3 million for charity by doing various running challenges.

I’m supported by Absolute360,SockMine and Tribesports.

Currently I have a 17:20 5k PB, 36:02 10k PB, 81:11 HM PB & 3:08:24 for the marathon.

You can find me on my blog


3 responses to “Jedi High Council Chamber hits 10k on Ideas”

  1. rmlewisuk avatar

    “…another project doomed for failure”

    Glad to hear other people saying this — the past few months of Lego Ideas have been a complete mess from all sides. Ridiculously large projects and projects based on existing IP (sometimes both in one) are never going to get approved. I looked through the newest 100 projects on Ideas a few days ago and not a single one was likely to get approved (assuming any of them could get to review).

    And on top of that, Lego won’t give any solid reasons as to rejections so people continue to submit projects that are never going to make it (looking at you, huge Jurassic Park dinosaurs).

    1. Yes it’s annoying. LEGO should basically reject anything that is based on an existing IP as they reject them. So why let people spend hours and hours trying to get 10,000 supporters to then only be rejected. Anyone who has followed Ideas/Cuusoo know full well Star Wars other existing licensed projects will not pass review. LEGO are giving out false hope and for what. I for one would rather see more projects scrapped before they go public and they only allow projects that have a chance in the review stage.

      If not at the halfway stage, pull plug and explain that while your Idea has proven popular thus far due to it being based on an existing theme it won’t be considered but res assured our designers are always working on similar Ideas for example the Avengers Helicarrier and the Ghostbusters Firehouse. Both were Idea projects yet was also being designed by the LEGO designers as well. So there is still hope for your project yet but it will be via theme releases and not through Ideas.

      Not exactly hard! And at same time it gives fans closure.

      1. rmlewisuk avatar

        A quick scan of the projects coming up to 10k votes also shows the following two projects: a Ghostbusters HQ which is identical to the official set and a 1966 Batmobile, again identical to the one in the Batcave set. These projects 100% aren’t going to be approved and really should be pulled already.

        Stuff like this not only clutters up Ideas, but also makes me not want to bother voting for anything when the top 50 projects are almost definitely not going to get approved.

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