LEGO house topping out ceremony

A LEGO experience centre and a gathering point for the local community. At the topping-out ceremony today, 3,000 local citizens and LEGO employees celebrate the construction of LEGO House. LEGO House will open to the public in the second half of 2017.

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A Topping out ceremony means the uppermost brick of LEGO® House will be in place,The brick is the uppermost part of LEGO House and it is also known as the Keystone.. Now that it is in place it will be possible to see the contours of the classic two by four studded LEGO brick built in steel 23 meters above ground level.

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Founder of Brick Fanatics. I’m Richard Hayes a 34 year old runner based in Sheffield. However I’m better known as the Mohican Runner due to my very distinctive hair style. I’ve gone from 20st to a runner, I’ve raised over £1.3 million for charity by doing various running challenges.

I’m supported by Absolute360,SockMine and Tribesports.

Currently I have a 17:20 5k PB, 36:02 10k PB, 81:11 HM PB & 3:08:24 for the marathon.

You can find me on my blog


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